On November 12-13th, the Market Access Summit will be chaired by PDCI’s Kaitlyn Proulx, Managing Director and John-Paul Dowson, Director, Reimbursement Strategy. We are so excited to see you there that we want to offer you a 20% discount.

Update your strategy now by coming to the Market Access Summit with PDCI Market Access.
Register now using the promotional code PDCI20 at https://www.marketaccesscanada.ca/
CADTH Pharmaceutical Review Update Released
CADTH has released the third Pharmaceutical Review Update highlighting the following three topics:
- New standardize template available for reconsideration requests on the basis that the CADTH Canadian Drug Expert Committee (CDEC) recommendation is not supported by the evidence that had been submitted or the evidence identified in the CADTH Common Drug Review (CDR) report(s).
- Clarification regarding drugs where the branded product may not have gone through CDR maybe eligible for review through CADTH even if they are generic. CADTH may advise manufacturers of branded or generic products if a CDR submission is not required and that drug plans should be contacted.
- CADTH is currently seeking to enhance clinician engagement in the CDR process and will make further announcements in November 2018.
New HDAP Meeting Date Released
The PMPRB has released a new meeting date to the Human Drug Advisory Panel (HDAP)’s calendar for 2019: Monday, May 27th, 2019. The deadline to submit the patentee submission is Thursday, February 14th, 2019. This new meeting date would suggest that the implementation of the new PMPRB Guidelines may be delayed until late 2019 or later, pending the publication of final Regulations in Canada Gazette, Part 2.
For more information regarding the HDAP meeting schedule and filing requirements, please visit the PMPRB website.