Over the last few months, PDCI Market Access Inc., Connex Health and H3 Consulting have undertaken an initiative to better understand the Canadian private payer product listing agreement (PLA) landscape and how it has evolved since 2015.
Today, we are pleased to present to you the research, analysis and findings in the Report on the 2020 Canadian Private Payer PLA Study. The primary research involved conducting a survey, followed by interviews with both manufacturers and private payers about their PLA experience and perspectives.
The research team would like to thank everyone who
has participated in the research and supported the project.
takeaways in this comprehensive report include:
- Private PLA activity has significantly increased since 2015.
- Reducing product cost and/or mitigating budget impact is the primary motivator for private payers to pursue PLAs.
- Manufacturers are motivated to negotiate private PLAs primarily to secure reimbursement for high-cost products and to avoid managed access mechanisms.
- Manufacturers are more interested in PLAs for products that cost more than $50,000 annually, while payers target drugs priced more than $10,000 per year.
- PLAs for certain high-cost drug classes, especially biologics, are frequently seen as a condition of listing.
- Agreements based on health outcomes are rare in the private PLA landscape, despite interest among payers and manufacturers.
- Both manufacturers and payers expressed positive attitudes about their PLA negotiation experiences and outcomes.
Download and Read the FREE Report Here.
Contact us here for any inquiries and feedback regarding the Report on the 2020 Canadian Private Payer Product Listing Agreement Study.