Tuhin Maity

Tuhin Maity - Lead, Health Economics and Outcomes Research

Ph.D. in Chemistry, UNC Chapel Hill and MBA, Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto

Tuhin’s role at PDCI includes providing assistance and strategic advice in health economics for market access submissions. Tuhin manages and supports pharmacoeconomic model builds and adaptations, including strategic guidance for the development of indirect treatment comparisons for submission to Canadian decision makers.

Prior to Joining PDCI in July 2022, Tuhin worked as a health economist at Patient Access Solutions PAS/EVERSANA, where he was responsible for developing the pharmacoeconomic dossier for Canadian HTA submissions, which included developing pharmacoeconomic strategies for the Canadian public and private payers, adaptation and reprogramming of the pharmacoeconomic models, model validation, and KOL outreach. Tuhin is also a doctoral researcher at McMaster University, pursuing research in the economic evaluation of adverse drug reactions using real-world evidence and big data analysis. In the past, Tuhin worked in diverse roles in academia, government lab, and industry, including managing and conducting basic research in life sciences, in the U.S., Canada, and India. Tuhin has a graduate degree in chemistry from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.